It's one of those days when I start with good intentions and end up doing not very much at all. This morning I spent a little time knitting. I'm working on a family of little rascals (see below) the pattern for which will eventually find it's way into my Etsy shop. Hopefully in time for Christmas!

As the sun popped out from behind the clouds I couldn't resist visiting my strawberry plants which I'm pleased to say are all doing well. I usually have them in the veg patch but this year they're in pots beside the garden room door which will enable me to pop outside and pick a few whatever the weather.

The tomato plants are looking healthy also but have only just started flowering, so I'll have to wait a while for the juicy fruits to appear.

Unlike me, hubby has found a real job and is clearing masses of vegetation from an area of rock adjoining the lawn. This has always been a problem spot and so we've never done much with it, but I have plans!! Well before the patch is cleared I'm thinking about the plants I'd like to see there. Sensibly hubby has said we must use what we've got and not acquire more. In other words, we move plants from elsewhere in the garden that are in the wrong position or have been crowded out by their neighbours.

The first candidate will be this delicate little rose with gorgeous red stems and pinkish grey leaves. I planted it a couple of years ago in front of the dining room window not realising how tall and bushy it would become.

These purple iris are another possibility. We can't grow the big blousy irises here unfortunately (too wet and not enough sun) but these are iris Sibirica and they thrive and multiply with ease so they are definitely on the 'to move' list.

These pretty little violas won't be moving to the new patch. I bought them at our local garden centre a couple of days ago and they are destined for one of my patio pots.

Why do some gardens look lovely when little plants pop up between the paving on the patio and others look a neglected mess. Sadly ours falls into the neglected mess category.

I think I'd better do something really useful and remove a few of those weeds.....But first.......Who fancies a nice cup of tea?
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