If there's one thing that makes me sad these days it is the fact that most little girls don't get taught to knit as they did in years gone by. I found this little knitting cutie in one of my early Mabel Lucie Attwell annuals and just look how enthusiastically she is attacking her task! The endearing verse that accompanies the illustration can be found underneath....I love it!

I may not being seeing you just for a bit,
I'm ever so busy - I'm learning to knit!
And while I am thinking it ever such fun,
I'm wondering if it will ever be done.
For I'm making a scarf for Daddy you see -
So I'm as busy as I can be.
My immediate thought was that it was a shame she wasn't knitting a scarf for her teddy bear as a daddy-sized scarf is a mammoth task for such a little person.
Making a scarf for a teddy or dolly is the ideal way for a young child (girl or boy) to learn. You only need a few stitches on the needle; plain garter stitch rows are best and of course you can have a wonderful array of rainbow shades to stripe it with.

This little furry fellow is my childhood teddy. My mum made him for me from scraps of mohair fur fabric that a friend had given her. She didn't have a pattern but simply made him up as she went along. His paw pads are made from an old brown velvet curtain. I named him Honey Bear as he was the colour of sweet runny honey when he was new. Years of fading and dust have mellowed him of course but he's still very precious to me.
My knitting has advanced a bit from making scarves for teddies but it hasn't advanced very much. I still like a selection of rainbow shades from which to choose and I always keep my patterns simple and so consequently most of them can be knitted by any child who has already learnt the skills.
So what did I make with the pink and green yarn I showed you in the last post?

All those scrumptious shades turned into this 'easy to make' little tassel doll.

She is reinforced and so is strong enough to become a light pull, but I'm guessing she'll enjoy swinging from a door knob or key as she will be able to smile sweetly at everyone who passes.
The pattern is very easy to follow and, as always, I've added illustrations for every stage. The PDF pattern for her can be found in my Etsy shop. I'm keen to make a variety of coloured tassel dolls and each will have a different theme. But that will have to wait a while!
Knitting is such a cosy fireside activity and so portable as well; I'm very glad my mum taught me when I was young.
Enjoy your weekend.
Until next time
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